East Bay Hockey League
Home Page

Photo Page

Player Profiles

Player Profiles 2

Player Profiles 3

SF Chronicle Article

Forum Article

Olympian Article

Shifty Says

EBHL Clothing

About Us


Welcome to the EBHL website!!

We were once kids without purpose and full of alcohol and drugs, but now that we have found more drugs hockey life is back on track.  We are the East Bay Hockey League and the goal of our organization is to keep kids off the street and to fight obesity in America.  Bush we heed the call and are doing our part to help this great nation, and wash it clean with golden showers!! For our official message board go here.


Site Updates

August 31st - The San Francisco Chronicle has done another article on the EBHL, this time in conjunction with Harbor House Ministries in Oakland. To see the article, click

May 2 - The EBHL is in the process of moving to Harbor House Ministries in East Oakland for the summer. We are still planning on having games on Saturdays at Canyon - check our myspace for times and details.

December 28 - We probably should have mentioned this earlier, but we're playing hockey over winter break. Call Neil or Matt to find out when.

August 19th - You might want to take a look at today's copy of the San Francisco Chronicle. Or just click SF Chronicle Article to your left. 

August 2nd - The first annual EBHL Tournament will be held on Saturday, August 6th, from 12 - 4pm. The four-team tournament will begin with a draft, so make sure to be on time and tell Neil or Matt beforehand if you will be able to make it. Shifty will be there!

July 26th- To reflect our solidarity with the fledgling democracy in Iraq, a new poll has been added.

July 21st- For those of you who are new and possibly baffled by this East Bay Hockey League nonsense, an
About Us section featuring stunning historical revelations has been added.

June 4th- New player profiles have just been faxed over by the supercomputer at stanford, you can see them under Player Profiles 3.

June 1st- The EBHL, a force representing all that is good, is now represented on myspace.com, which represents all that is evil. You can find us here.

Site Guide

Home Page: This
Photo Page: Pictures
Player Profiles: Player Profiles
Player Profiles 2: Player Profiles (continued)
Player Profiles 3: Player Profiles (continued)
SF Chronicle Article: Our article in the San Francisco Chronicle
Forum Article: Our article in the CV Forum
Olympian Article: Our article in the CV Olympian
Shifty Says: Archive of Shifty Sayings
EBHL Clothing: Upcoming clothing line designs
About Us: EBHL History and Information

Dates and Times of Play

Season 2 has begun, Monday - Friday 3:30 at Canyon. Stay tuned for details about the new East Bay Hockey League clothing line and cologne

Shifty Says:

"It isn't low standards... it's high optimism" - August 28th

Current Events

Aug 17th- Tonight - the most amazing story ever.

Texas hold 'em - Brian, Neil, Matt, Luke, Shifty. Shifty has no money to buy in and is forced by the others to bet his shirt.

Matt is out first. Shifty gives him a 7-chip tip for getting him a gatorade - a foolish move. Matt wants the shirt.

Luke and Shifty out next. Matt somehow stays alive going all-in with only one chip left as Brian (the leader all game) and Neil battle.

Luke and Shifty are tipped back into the game, and Shifty loses again. Luke and Neil all-in and Brian calls them, Matt folds due to poverty. Luke wins the hand and takes a quarter of the chips on the board from a 10-chip all-in. Luke all-ins again next hand, and Brian calls him, putting half the chips in play. Newly-vanquished Neil advises Matt to all-in his precious few chips. Matt needs the last queen in the deck on the last flop card to win (a 2.63% probability)... and gets it. Brian and Matt now split the rest of the chips on the board.

Matt all-ins holding a straight, and Brian calls. Matt wins. Shifty goes home shirtless.

The Players

1. Matthew Thomas        2. Neil Libbe
3. Luke Spencer             4. David Firestone
5. Justin Perras               6. Ryan Suzuki
7. Kevin Shintani           8. Mike Heimowitz
9. Carl Stanley              10. Edwin Rhodes
11. Alex Sasser             12. Dan Finlay 
13. Jake Croghan          14. Josh Croghan
15. Jeff Croghan           16. Dana Linda
17. Bram Draper            18. Kevin Draper
19. Micah Lemon          20. Travis (Micah's friend) 
21. Chris Murakami        22. Brian Libbe
23. Ian Grutze               24. Dan Naruo 
25. Chris Vallely            26. Chris Wagner
27. Matt Wagner            28. Jesse (Jakes cousin) 
29. Alex Garabedian     30. Scott Rothi
31. Mark Thomas           32. Cindy Libbe
33. Becky  Krump          34. USC Kid 1
35. USC Kid 2               36. Andrew Leung
37. Andrew Pomory       38. Chris Sung
39. Christine Lazlo        40. Jim Leng
41. Kevin Crawford        42. AJ Gilbertson
43. Matt Sung               44. Zach Perras
45. Ryan Kilby               46. Danny Rice
47. Mike Micek              48. Jesse (Mark's friend)
49. Mike Estrada            50. Mark Wagner
51. Brandon                   52. Ben Masek
53. Chris Rag                 54. Justin Lynch
55. Sand Wedge Boy     56. Jon Allan
57. Mike Sasser              58. Dylan
59. Joe Newton              60. Austin McKinney
61. Eric Bugosh              62. Steph Tabor
63. Taein Hankins          64. Troy Lijedahl  
65. Zach Rose                66. Jake Galender
67. Emmy                       68. Bethany
69. Sarah                       70. Keith Turnage
71. Justin Bergendahl    72. Matt Kubasta
73. Romina Cruz            74. Jenna Conniff
75. Jessica                     76. Joelsky
77. Dina Sigal                78. Chris Ashford
79. Keith Kaufman          80. Rada
81. Tony Perata              82. Gary Keller

83. Danny Au                  84. Megan Ratto
85. Nick Something        86. Eric Dayton
87. Nicole Marcotte       88. Jesse Richardson  
89. Brian Guillas            90. Joe Spence
91. Chris Towne             92. Melisa Hooper
93. Ross Boucher           94. Matt Haughum
95. Jeff Pennington         96. Joe Fisch
97. Dalton Wells             98. Chris Something
99. Jon Marcotte          100. Melissa Sales
101. Jasmine                 102. Tyler Rosecrans
103. Ryan Peck             104. Willy Lai
105. Darren Brazil        106. Meagan Maglaya
107. Lisa Rutishauser   108. Lauren Hall
109. Rob Valdez            110. Sarah Richards
111. Shandy                   112. Mateo Padilla
113. Andrew                   114. Steven Something
115. Cynthia Rule         116. Paul Triplett
117. Mike O'Dowd        118. Matt O'Dowd
119. Min Choi                120. Jessica Ing
121. Johnny Lee            122. Mike Shintani
123. Micol Hung            124. Kento Ashton
125. Jeff Cranford         126. Charles Cho
127. Alycia Wong          128. Chris Souza
129. Nate Groth              130. Toku Hankins
131. Lauren Groth         132. Tim Arzino
133. Rhiannon Webb     134. Brett Soares
135. Tony Sanchez         136. Lance Cerros
137. Mando Hernandez 138. Kerry-Scott Kaufman
140. Eric Na...dunno       141. Stan Wong
142. Jared Darfler         143. Chelsea Jennings
144. Mike Strong           145. Rachel Keener
146. Alissa                       147. Chris Trimmer
148. Allan Jong               149. Travis Earl
150. Carman Tse            151. Mike Harris
152. Shwin                       156. A-something guy
157. Micah Lemon


Contact Info

For website feedback, fan contributions (ie pictures, hockey-inspired novels) and a good time contact the webmaster Brian at DrKinesh240@aol.com

For league information and donations of equipment, funding, or time contact Matt at mthomas145@aol.com.

The Original

In the beginning we were Ashland Hockey League, but....there is no money in that obviously!!


EBHL Homepage by Brian and Matthew 22014